Sabtu, 20 Maret 2010


Pada tanggal 10 december yang lalu telah dilaksanakan PR Event dengan tema “A Moment To Share”.Lebih dari 80 media hadir di rumah Imam bondjol pada pukul.1500.Acara ini bertujuan untuk memberikan apresiasi kepada rekan Media atas kerjasama dan hubungan yang terjalin sangat baik dengan Oriflame selama tahun 2009.
Tujuan utama dari acara ini adalah,meluncurkan program amal yang akan kita jalankan di bulan Februari 2010 yaitu”Powe of Kiss”Charity Program.Dalam program ini oriflamme bekerja sama dengan panti Roslin yang ada di kupang untuk memberikan bantuan untuk pembangunan sekolah anak-anak usia dini.Lima ratus rupiah dari pembelian jenis lipstick apapun di Bulan February akan di gunakan untuk biaya pendidikan tersebut.
Para wartawan yang hadir diberikan setangkai bunga dan zodiac masing-masing.Mereka bisa bertanya kepada “Fortune Teller”
Mengenai lipstick dan wewangian Oriflame yang sesuai dengan karateristik mereka, serta keberuntungan mereka di tahun 2010.
Hadir juga Top leader Oriflame Indonesia,perwakilan dari kedutaan Besar Swedia dan 2 orang selebritis Indonesia yang peduli dengan pendidikan anak-anak di Indonesia yaitu Mona Ratuliu dan Dik Doank,
Semoga dengan adanya acara ini,”Power of Kiss” Charity program di bulan Februari dapat berjalan lancer sehingga anak-anak yang berada di Kupang dapat merealisasikan keinginan mereka untuk belajar dan mengurangi jumlah anak-anak putus sekolah di Indonesia.


On the 10th december and has implemented public relations event with the theme "A Moment To Share". More than 80 media houses present at bondjol Imam pukul.1500.Acara aims to give appreciation to colleagues and the media for their cooperation the relationship is very good with Oriflame for the year 2009.
The main purpose of this event is, launched a charity program that will be run in February 2010 are "Power of Kiss" Program.On Charity oriflamme program in collaboration with Roslin orphanage in Kupang to provide assistance for the development of school-age children early. Five hundred dollars from the purchase of any type of lipstick on the Moon February will be used for education expenses.
The reporters who attended was given a flower and each zodiac masing.Mereka can ask "Fortune Teller"About Oriflame lipsticks and fragrances are in accordance with their characteristics, and their luck in the year 2010.

Top leaders also attended Oriflame Indonesia, representatives from the embassies of Sweden and Indonesia 2 of celebrities who are concerned with the education of children in Indonesia, and Mona Ratuliu doank Dik,

Hopefully with the existence of this show, "Power of Kiss" Charity program in February to run lancer so that children who are in Kupang can realize their desire to learn and reduce the number of children dropping out of school in Indonesia.

On the 10th december and has implemented public relations event with the theme "A Moment To Share". More than 80 media houses present at Imam Bondjol pukul.1500.Acara aims to give appreciation to colleagues and the media for their cooperation the relationship is very good with Oriflame for the year 2009.
The main purpose of this event is, launched a charity program that will be run in February 2010 are "Power of Kiss" Program.In Charity oriflamme program in collaboration with Roslin orphanage in Kupang to provide assistance for the development of school-age children early. Five hundred dollars from the purchase of any type of lipstick on the Moon February will be used for education expenses.
The reporters who attended was given a flower and each zodiac respectively..they are can ask "Fortune Teller"
About Oriflame lipsticks and fragrances are in accordance with their characteristics, and their luck in the year 2010.

Top leaders also attended Oriflame Indonesia, representatives from the embassies of Sweden and Indonesia 2 of celebrities who are concerned with the education of children in Indonesia, Mona Ratuliu and dik doank

Hopefully with the existence of this show, "Power of Kiss" Charity program in February to run lancer so that children who are in Kupang can realize their desire to learn and reduce the number of children dropping out of school in Indonesia.

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