Minggu, 02 Juni 2013

Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2 (TOEFL)

1.      I am slow to_______.
Answer            : Make my opinion
Reason                        : Because it’s a positive sentence.

2.      I have to have this report finished________.
Answer            : Until Friday
Reason                        : Present Progresive (Planning)

3.      We werw fortunate enough to visit the Grand Canyon. It has________.
Answer            : Many beautiful landscapes
Reason                        : Because convinient followed by adjective.

4.      The car was parked directly___________ the diner.
Answer            : Ahead of
Reason                        : Because Ahead followed by adjective.

5.      The ski resorts are usually crowded. There are many people_______ skiing.
Answer            : That enjoying
Reason                        : Present tense

6.      It is already 3 o’clock. Can you_______ time to catch the bus ?
Answer            : Have it in
Reason                        : Present Progresive (Planning)

7.      I went to have my glasses _________.
Answer            : Fitted
Reason                        : It must be gerund.

8.      Mary’s house is ________ the hair salon. Do you think you can find it ?
Answer            : Near to
Reason                        : Near is a noun countable

9.      The burning stick was very hot. He let ________ just in time.
Answer            : Go alone it
Reason                        : Asking the feel of new condition.

10.  Do we have ________ money to last us the week ?
Answer            : Plentiful
Reason                        : Simple Present

11.  John decided _________ golf on weekends.
Answer            : To commence
Reason                        : Simple Present

12.  It _________ to me whether we meet them or not
Answer            : Makes not a difference
Reason                        : some kind of Indirect Speech

13.  We were ________ after all the hard work.
Answer            : Outworn
Reason                        : it must be adjective

14.  We saw _________ wild animals while on vacation.
Answer            : Quite many
Reason                        : Beacuse it for Countable

15.  They are late as usual. I don’t think we should _________ them.
Answer            : Wait for
Reason                        : Perfect form+Verb1

16.  Are you _________ the competition ?
Answer            : Going entering
Reason                        : It conditional, after would followed by Verb1.

17.  You had better ________ the tourist information office.
Answer            : Inquiring at
Reason                        : Adverb

18.  Ireland was part of the UK, ________?
Answer            : Didn’t it
Reason                        :Past Tense

19.  They will be ________ this summer ?
Answer            : Presents
Reason                        :Present Tense

20.  Will they go ________ this summer ?
Answer            : To swim
Reason                        : Simple Present

21.  The New York police were very anxious ________ about the crime.
Answer            : Learn more
Reason                        : Present Future

22.  Many excited women could ________ at the department store sale.
Answer            : Be seen
Reason            :

23.  The sink in the locker room tends to __________.
Answer            : Overflow
Reason                        : it must be passive

24.  How long did the baseball game ________?
Answer            : Endure
Reason                        : Present Future

25.  We must _________ the annual board meeting tomorrow.
Answer            : Attend to
Reason                        : it must be passive

1.      The subway station is _________ here.
Answer            : Near to
Reason                        : after station it must be Verb1

2.      When we woke up, everywhere was _________ snow.
Answer            : Covered by
Reason                        : Simple Present

3.      Do earthquakes ________ often in North America ?
Answer            : Break out
Reason                        : it must be adjective

4.      We had better _________ before it begins to rain.
Answer            : Leaving
Reason                        After would must be Verb1
: Must be parralel

5.      A large crowd _________ in front of the train station.
Answer            : To gather
Reason                        : it must be passive

6.      In winter, driving accidents occur quite _______ on the highways.
Answer            : Many
Reason                        : Because it for Countable

7.      Would you like to _________ to the United States ?
Answer            : Voyage
Reason                        : After to must be Verb1
8.      Most people at some stage have a feeling________.
Answer            : Responsibility
Reason                        : It must be gerund.

9.      This stadium can hold _________.
Answer            : A large audience
Reason                        : Because it for Countable

10.  When the mountain forests ________, there can be large forest fires.
Answer            : Becoming dry
Reason                        : it must be adjective

11.  “What kind of work are you doing for that company?”
“I’m ________ as an administrator.”
Answer            : Employed
Reason                        : Must be Verb2

12.  “I don’t want to buy anything, do you?”
“Yes , I’d like to buy __________ “
Answer            : Some pencils
Reason                        : Simple Present

13.  We can _________ sports on Saturday if you’d like.
Answer            : Has
Reason                        :Past Tense

14.  __________ the hotel rooms are reserved throughout peak season.
Answer            : Almost of
Reason                        : Present Future

15.  “ Where did you work before?”
“I worked only minutes ________ railroad track.”
Answer            : From the
Reason                        : Must be invinitive

16.  “I don’t think it will rain at all today, do you?”
“ No , I _________ so.”
Answer            : Do think not
Reason                        : it must be passive

17.  We have only another five minutes. I think we _________.
Answer            : Be hurry
Reason                        : Must be Verb1

18.  Many fans showed up at the stadium. They were _______ the big game.
Answer            : Anxious to see
Reason                        : Must be Verb1

19.  “Who did you meet at the community dinner dance?”
“ I met many ________ people.”
Answer            : Celebration
Reason                        : Must be adverb

20.  “John isn’t sure that the meeting will be held tomorrow.”
“I met many ________ people.”
Answer            : Am certainly
Reason                        : Beacuse it for Countable

21.  My brother loves to watch baseball ; I ___________ basketball.
Answer            : Preferring to watch
Reason                        : Present Future

22.  Many people are waiting for the news bulletin. It will ___________ soon.
Answer            : Circulate around
Reason                        : will + Verb1

23.  I think our guests will __________.
Answer            : Shortly be here
Reason                        : Because it’s a positive sentence.

24.  Who ____________ when John is likely to turn up.
Answer            : Do know
Reason                        : This sentence is simple present, and too is used because the subject is prural and v1.

25.  The managers are ___________ a new work schedule now.
Answer            : Arranging up
Reason                        : This sentence is Future perfect in passive

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